Timothy Lutheran PTL

Parents and teachers working together to cultivate a Christian community of families supporting the needs of
Timothy Lutheran School.

We need your help!

Last year, PTL was able to raise enough money to replace almost all of the athletic uniforms.

It takes lots of helpers to make these goals happen.

If you are being called to help PTL, please let us know ASAP! Some immediate roles need to be filled!

Email the PTL President for more information:

Kate Kuecker

2024/2025 Financial Goals

To support the needs of the school board’s strategic plan initiatives.

These include improved technology, new extra curriculars, social and emotional learning, teacher acumen, and enhanced security.

Each of these initiatives will help build a better school for our kids.

Upcoming Events


Back to school online Timmy Gear shop. Buy hats, sweatshirts, and more. Money raised will go towards the 2024/25 Financial goals.

Spirit Store Pop-Up Get ready for volleyball and soccer with our fall pop-up shop! Money raised will go towards the 2024/25 Financial goals (this could happen in September or October)

Fall Fun Fest Float. Walk the parade with TLS!


Next Meeting:

Tuesday, September 10th 6:00 PM in Mrs. Self’s Classroom

President: Kate Kuecker

Vice President: Clancy Heisel

Secretary: Autumn Rayl

Treasurer: Erin Nelson

Teacher Liaison: Mary Beth Self

Concessions Coordinator: Open Position

Marketing Coordinator: Open Position

Reception Coordinator: Open Position

Spirit Store Coordinator: Kate Kuecker

Room Parents: Coming Soon